Posts Tagged ‘foster care’
Finding Your Community to Navigate the Foster Care Journey With
As a foster parent, you will have people who love you and people who get you. And sometimes, those who love you the most may get you the least.
Read MoreReflections on Raising Children in Foster Care (feat. Christian & Morgan Nichols)
Christian & Morgan Nichols are an incredible couple who have been on their foster care journey for over three years.
Read MoreProtecting the Privacy of Kids in Care
It’s our responsibility as foster parents to protect our kids. To protect their bodies, yes. But also to protect their stories.
Read MoreHow to Support Children Who Age Out (feat. Nicole Davis, Operation: Achieve Independence)
Nicole Davis is the executive director of Operation: Achieve Independence (OAI). OAI focuses on supporting youth aging out of foster care by providing mentoring, life skills training, education, and career preparation.
Read MoreA Heart of Hospitality (feat. Fr. Drew Knowles, Oak Forest Anglican Church)
Drew Knowles is the Rector of Oak Forest Anglican Church in Houston, Texas, and the co-author of “Hospitality: The Convivial Mission of God.”
Read More4 Ways Church Leaders Can Inspire a Spirit of Hospitality
It’s really pretty simple: God makes room for us, so we make room for others. When Christians resolve to extend to their neighbors the same love and welcome they have received from God, I believe the Kingdom is near at hand.
Read MoreWhat is Kinship Care? (& Resources You Should Be Aware Of)
Kinship care occurs when extended relatives, such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, and even close friends (referred to as “fictive kin”) provide homes for children who have been separated from their birth parents.
Read MoreThe Response Network Volunteer Spotlight: Everyone Can Do Something
“Honestly, these things have made us feel so normal again, especially the kids. I truly thank you.”
Read MoreWhat is TBRI®? (feat. Mitzi McBride)
Mitzi McBride is not only well-versed in TBRI® but is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 20 years of experience guiding children and families through their journey to emotional healing.
Read MoreThe Extraordinary Power of Belonging (feat. Gaelin Elmore)
Deeply experiencing belonging was the key for Gaelin Elmore to recover from a childhood of trauma, abuse, and over ten years in the foster care system.
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