The Riverside Project in 2023: A Year-in-Review
As we turn the pages of another year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on all that took place this past year as we walked alongside many throughout our community to continue making Houston a place where families heal and children thrive.
When we look back, we often take note of statistics, but numbers represent something much deeper. Each number I share with you today represents a life touched, a family supported, a real need met, and a strengthening of our community.
This is complex, collaborative work, and I want to invite you to celebrate what we all accomplished together! I am also so proud of the growth in our team this year, as we have navigated difficult, and sometimes unexpected, challenges. I have seen them consistently rise to the occasion to problem-solve and remain focused on the mission. Through our Response Network, Church Mobilization efforts, Babysitter Training, podcast, TBRI® Collaborative, and more, we have formed new connections, empowered new people, and witnessed some incredible stories of hope.
Looking back at this year, we are filled with gratitude and motivation. Gratitude, for the incredible support, generosity, and dedication of everyone involved in The Riverside Project. And motivation, to continue propelling our mission further in 2024 and see what new opportunities the year ahead will hold. The truth is that the work we do is only possible because of your support and the collaboration of our community. We believe that everyone has a role to play in transforming the foster care system here in Houston, and we believe that everyone’s role is unique.
Today, we want to encourage you to find your place along the River. Whether it’s pursuing education through our resources, finding a place to serve, or giving to make this work possible, it’s when we work together that we can see the biggest impact made here in Houston.
Here’s a highlight of what was accomplished in 2023:
Response Network 2023
The Riverside Project partners with DFPS and other local agencies to serve children and families in Region 6/6B through the Response Network. The Response Network connects families to local churches, nonprofits, and other community resources. Community members provide tangible items to families as well as relational support.
The goal of the Response Network is that each family has their needs met and ultimately is more connected to relationships in their community!
- Needs Met: 1,463
- Families Served: 367
- Requesting Organizations: 12
- Churches Meeting Needs: 74
- Organizations Meeting Needs: 27
Church Mobilization 2023
The Houston area is home to over 3,000 Christian churches, and many are eager to serve vulnerable children and families. However, most churches are unsure about how to get involved or where to start. Through training, connection, and education, we are passionate about helping churches get involved and stay involved.
- New Churches Connected: 61
- Churches Trained: 50
- Individuals Trained: 57
- Churches Connected to Families Through Response Network: 74
Babysitter Training 2023
Certified foster care babysitters are in short supply. The certification process can be confusing, time-consuming, and expensive, which presents an obstacle to supporting foster families.
We want to make babysitter certification as painless as possible. Our Babysitter Certification Training is a stream-lined, multi-agency certification course to equip caregivers to serve families in our community!
- Babysitters Trained: 162
- Foster Families Impacted: 57
Harris County TBRI Collaborative 2023
Trust-Based Relational Intervention or TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of children who have experienced adversity, early harm, toxic stress, and/or trauma. This framework uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.
While the intervention is based on years of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research, the heartbeat of TBRI® is connection. TBRI® is used worldwide in homes, residential facilities, group homes, schools, camps, schools, juvenile justice facilities, courts, with survivors of sex trafficking, in faith communities, courts, with law enforcement, in clinical practices and beyond.
- Individuals Trained: 238
- Organizations Represented: 57
- (7 of those trainees have gone on to become TBRI Practitioners that will be able to come back and train others!)
The Riverside Project Podcast 2023
The Riverside Project Podcast is how we are mobilizing Houston to empower families and transform generations. We hope these conversations give you a greater understanding of the issues facing our community and inspire you to find your place along the River.
- New Episodes: 10
- New Downloads in 2023: 2,770
Thank you for an incredible year! If you haven’t already, I want to encourage you to consider your place along the River in 2024. Whether it’s pursuing education through our resources, finding a place to serve, or giving to make this work possible, it’s when we work together that we can make the biggest impact here in Houston.
Looking forward to the year ahead,
Amber Knowles
Executive Director